Exciting Things Are Happening at Maroon and White Nation!


I’m proud to say that Maroon and White Nation is always moving forward and trying to accomplish new and better things. We’ve added some fresh faces to the mix of late and are trying out some new things. Here are some of the exciting things we are bringing to the table.

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1. New Writers

Wesley Wright and Ryan York have joined our team. They bring the college student perspective to the site, and you’ve already seen them writing a few articles over the past couple of months.

2. Podcasts

A. Jake Wimberly is back at it on Bulldog Sports Radio, hosting Double Coverage. You can catch the show on their network every Monday and Wednesday. Plus Jake will post featured segments to go in further detail right here on M&WN as he has been doing in recent weeks.

B. Wesley and Ryan have teamed up for a M&WN only podcast called “Brick City Dawgs”. The great thing about their podcast is that it’s a quick 20 minutes or so to give you their take on what’s going on around Mississippi State sports.

3. Co-Editor

Justin Strawn has recently taken over as a co-editor along with myself. Justin has been a long time contributor to M&WN and I’m happy to have him promoted to the position.

4. Summer Schedule

It’s only April but the baseball team is headed in the tank so naturally all our minds drift to football. We’ve got four months to get prepared.

What do you want us to write about? Anything in particular that you’d rather us do the research on so you can just read it instead of spending hours looking up?

If you’ve got any suggestions just let us know in the comments, on Facebook, Twitter or e-mail (maroonandwhitenation@yahoo.com).

5. Thank You

We really appreciate everyone who stops by the site! It’s a lot of fun for us to share with you in the passion for Mississippi State. We won’t always agree on everything, but hopefully we do provide some measure of enjoyment for you when you stop by. And thanks to all those who have been appreciative over the years of our work – y’all are the reason we are here blogging away!