Heading to the Future: Mississippi State Basketball in 5 Years

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Is Ben Howland Still the Head Caoch?

The only real complaint I saw from Mississippi State fans when Ben Howland was hired was if he would stick around for a while. It’s an understandable concern.

Ben Howland is 58 years old. For this reason alone, I think he stays with the Bulldogs. The logic behind this is twofold.

One, he isn’t going to bolt after one or two years. Any other school who would be interested in hiring him will want to see if he can sustain any success he will have at Mississippi State. So the earliest I could see him leaving is after year three. That leads me to my second reason.

If he is 60, 61, or 62 years old, He is not going to have a lot of time left that he wants to put in coaching. Would he really leave a job just to go somewhere else and retire 3-5 years later? It doesn’t make sense.

And if you are a school looking for a coach, do you want to bring in a coach who is going to have to assure recruits every year he won’t retire. I can’t imagine a school wanting to do that.

Mississippi State is likely the last stop for Howland. And in five years, he’ll have just a few more years left in the tank to lead the Bulldogs.

Next: Where is Malik Newman?