Welcome back, Mississippi State fans! As you may have realized, the Maroon and White Nation hasn’t been active since last October. Well, I’m here to tell you that we’re back baby!!
My name is Landon Young, and I am the new Site Expert for maroonandwhitenation.com. I cannot express how excited I am to play a part in bringing together a community of Mississippi State fans on this site. That’s my goal. I want this site to be more than a sports site. I want to create a place for MSU fans to come together and experience all of the emotions that Mississippi State sports bring us.
To give you a little background on my experience in the journalism world, I just finished my time as the Managing Editor for For Whom the Cowbell Tolls. I held the role of Managing Editor since December of 2017. It was a fun ride, and I am extremely thankful for the things that I learned in that role and for where FWtCT brought me.
Since we still need to get to know each other, I’d love to tell you a little bit about myself. I am a lifelong Mississippi State fan and will be until the day I die. When I was born into this world, I came home from the hospital dressed in an MSU jersey on the night Mississippi State beat Alabama in 1996. I grew up watching the Lincoln Sports 11:00 a.m. game with my parents, who are also two of the most die-hard Mississippi State fans out there. I graduated from Mississippi State University in 2019, and those were some of the best years of my life. I met my wife there, discovered my true passions and made some of the best memories with lifelong friends. Starkville, Mississippi will always hold a massive piece in my heart.
I’m yours, Maroon and White nation. Let’s ride.