According to multiple media reports, John Cohen will indeed be named Athletic Director of Mississippi State University on Friday.
That’s right. Even after Dr. Keenum and Sid Salter decided to vehemently deny reports from Michael Bonner, it came true. Reports are surfacing that Mississippi State baseball head coach, John Cohen, will be named Director of Athletics this Friday at 1:00 PM CDT. With that in mind, let’s look to see just what that means for Bulldog athletics.
I expect John Cohen to be named Mississippi State’s next A.D. When contacted, university officials declined to comment.
— Matt Wyatt (@RadioWyatt) November 3, 2016
First off, John Cohen will need to make not just one hire, but two. Earlier this week, head soccer coach Aaron Gordon was reassigned within the athletic department. That means the former head coach will still be in the athletic department, but has been relieved of his head coaching duties of the soccer program. So who will Cohen hire? Honestly, I have no earthly idea with the soccer program. The Bulldogs have been pretty low on the SEC table in soccer, and will need to maintain an upward trajectory for that to stay.
Next, Cohen will have to look into replacing himself as head coach of the Mississippi State Diamond Dogs. For that, it seems that reports are already surfacing that current LSU recruiting and hitting coordinator Andy Cannizaro will be named the next head coach. If that is the case, you have to wonder if Cannizaro will bring some other coaches into the mix. But without a doubt, John Cohen’s first two hires as Athletic Director will be important for his legacy. Now we all know the head coach John Cohen will want to have his own words in the baseball department. But, as athletic director, Cohen will need to stay a little more hands-off than usual.
Mississippi State will name John Cohen as AD tomorrow and Andy Cannizaro as the new Head Coach at Miss St.
— Next Level Baseball (@nextlevelbb) November 4, 2016
What say you?
So what say you, Bulldog fans? Is the John Cohen promotion and hire of Cannizaro sufficient enough for you? Or do you think this is a horrible hire and we botched the whole thing? Personally, I think this is a tremendous hire due to the fact that we have someone who is going to fight for what’s right in Starkville. Cohen has the drive, determination, and fire to get the job done no matter what. Sure, he’ll step on a few toes along the way. But, the job will be done and we will all be better for it. And with that, I say you do you John Cohen. You elevate this athletic department to heights never before seen.