Start accepting the blame for poor performance.
As a head coach, the buck stops with you. It’s your team and your program so long as you’ve got that title. Quit blaming others when things don’t go right.
Mullen has an arrogance about him which many do not like but have ignored because of the winning he’s brought over his tenure. But it’s going to cost him if he doesn’t humble himself quick.
He thinks he knows better than everyone so it can’t be his fault. This attitude has gotten worse since MSU made it to No. 1 in 2014. Part of the problem is how outsiders have labeled him a genius for, in their eyes, taking a POS program to No. 1.
If there’s a leadership void – it’s your fault for not cultivating new leaders. If the players aren’t prepared – it’s your fault for not preparing them. Even if there is a scenario in which you are completely not to blame, a good coach always deflects blame off of his team and on to himself.
Step up and take responsibility.