Famous Maroon Band Profile: Cooper Haywood

Cooper Haywood, one of the Drum Majors for the Famous Maroon Band.
Cooper Haywood, one of the Drum Majors for the Famous Maroon Band. /

Periodically throughout the summer, we will be taking a look at individual members of the Famous Maroon Band which make the game day environment so great.

One of the great things about college football game day at any school is the atmosphere. And one of the most important parts, and often under appreciated, is the band.

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I was in the band in high school and spent two years paying for my education in the band at Northwest Community College before finishing up at Mississippi State. So I decided to pu the spotlight on the Famous Maroon Band this summer.

Today’s spotlight is on Cooper Haywood. He is one of the Drum Majors for the Famous Maroon Band. Cooper will be entering his senior year at Mississippi State for the 2016-17 school year.

What instrument do you play or what role do you fulfill for the Famous Maroon Band?

"Drum Major"

Are there any other instruments or musical talents you possess?

"I am a bass trombone major and a vocal major."

In all likelihood, you joined the band in middle school or junior high. What made you want to be in the band at that time?

"I joined the band back in 5th grade because I was already heavily involved in choir and church music and I wanted to learn to play an instrument. I have always loved music and ever since I can remember, it is all I have wanted to do with my life."

What musicians have had the biggest influence on you?

"I was really influenced by the composers Johann Sebastian Bach and Richard Wagner. Bach was a church musician during the Baroque era. He wrote hundreds upon thousands of music for the church and would spend his weeks surrounding himself with music. His faith in God must have been great because he wrote his music all for God and for His glory. Wagner was someone who had a controversial life. He was not perfect. His music was inspired by the beautiful scenery of Switzerland and the passion that he felt in his heart. My favorite piece by Wagner is Traüme or Dreams. It is a vocal work that describes a love that the singer cannot have. It is clear to the audience because of the romantic chords Wager used to show the beautiful love the singer has while also demonstrating the bitterness of unrequited love. All music has been influential in my life and it moves through me."

What is your favorite memory of being a member of the Famous Maroon Band?

"We have several traditions that the band has passed down for multiple generations. As a drum major, my absolute favorite is getting to conduct the Battle Hymn of the Republic. The band loves to play it and anyone who has ever heard us play it knows how much we enjoy playing this enchanting piece."

What is your favorite non-band related memory at Mississippi State?

"My favorite memory has to be my senior recital that I gave back in April of this year. It was the hardest thing I have ever had to do with the planning of it and the logistics. That being said, it was amazing and I got to make music with my friends and just let the music flow through me. It was so much fun to collaborate with Dr. Karen Murphy, Davien Watkins and Sarah Jenkins."

Thanks to Cooper for allowing us to feature him in this Famous Maroon Band Profile. Also thanks to Dr. Craig Aarhus, one of the Associate Directors of the Famous Maroon Band for working with us to be able to spotlight the members of the band.

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You can follow the Famous Maroon Band on Twitter with their Twitter handle @maroonband. The band also has a Facebook page you can go and like to keep up with all the happenings of the Famous Maroon Band.