What Mississippi State Fans Can Do This Bye Weekend


Well with this being an enjoyable bye weekend, you know being ranked #1 and all, I figured we could have a nice little discussion on things Mississippi State fans can do while enjoying the weekend on top of the college football world. Now this can range from a variety of events around Starkville to things you can do around your house. Now I wouldn’t recommend interacting with fans of Ole Miss this weekend, as their talk will be about how Bo is better than Dak, and how their wins of Alabama and Texas A&M are of higher quality than our wins over LSU, Texas A&M, and Auburn. No…really…they’ll say that to you. I know it will take every bone in your body to not laugh in their face while they tell this to you. It’s about like them saying that LSU is their real rival and they don’t care about Mississippi State at all. Now to the list of things you can do on this bye weekend. It’s a fun one, and I’d recommend trying all of these if you can.

1. Go to Old Waverly and watch the #2 Women’s Golf team in the Nation play. Oh…if you haven’t figured out who the #2 Women’s Golf team is, it’s our own Lady Bulldogs led by All-American Ally McDonald.

2. Watch the meltdown of the Florida State fanbase on ESPN’s College Gameday

Hint on this one: Some students are planning on making a silent protest during the show by sitting down and facing away from the stage. The best is this tweet by someone trying to organize it. The reason they are providing for this “protest” is the unfair coverage of Jameis Winston by ESPN.

3. Watch College Gameday and listen to the crew brag about Mississippi State and compare the atmosphere that Florida State provides to the one we provided last week. This is extremely effective if you go on social media and brag about how much better Mississippi State’s atmosphere was. No really, try it out. You’ll enjoy every second of the interactions.

4. Read the Mississippi State editions of Sports Illustrated. There are some really good articles about the Mississippi State program in there, plus it’s fun to look at the cover and see Mississippi State on there for the world to see. It’s nice to get a little credit where credit is due.

5. Watch Texas A&M at Alabama on CBS at 2:30 PM CT. Let’s be honest here, this is the first real game for the SEC this week. Sure, South Carolina is playing Furman at 11 AM, but if South Carolina has trouble with Furman that team is worse than we ever thought.

6. Completely ignore the Ole Miss v. Tennessee game. No need to watch that game with Kentucky being our next opponent. The Kentucky v. LSU game is much more important for our uses. So just say “No thanks” to anyone that wants you to watch the OM v. UT game.

7. Actually watch the Kentucky v. LSU game. This game has implications on next week for us. If UK wins the game in Death Valley, they will be 6-1 going into our game in Lexington. Regardless of what happens this weekend against LSU, Commonwealth Stadium will be packed and rowdy for our CBS matchup. That’s what happens when you’re the #1 team in the country. Plus, we can all do our own little scouting report on Kentucky and see exactly how we can establish our dominance again.

8. Relax and know that no matter what happens this weekend, Mississippi State will be 6-0 and either #1 or #2 next week depending on which poll you look at.