After the 12-2 loss to Ole Miss on Sunday afternoon I saw Robbie Faulk tweet this out, and I thought it was pretty cool, but I didn’t know the backstory.
After getting beat 12-2, this is MSU's locker room. Cool stuff.
— Robbie Faulk (@robbiefaulk247) April 13, 2014
Ross Mitchell explained it via his blog today…
"Yesterday our baseball team got beat pretty bad. Everyone is naturally in that woe is me mindset. It’s almost like our whole day is ruined and we just want to go to bed. Then God sent a ray of light to our locker room. His name was Cambell. He was a little child fighting cancer. What amazed me most was his attitude. All I could help but think is to cry and give this kid a huge hug, but he wouldn’t allow that to happen. Not with that big smile on his face. It was a beautiful moment.So here my teammates and I are feeling sorry for ourselves like our life is awful, and we then get to meet this little boy. He became such a beautiful reminder to us about how blessed we are. Our team and our coaching staff gets to do something that we love each and everyday. We get to play a game that millions of people would be dying to play. I mean seriously, how lucky are we!!! When I left the field yesterday I could leave with a smile on my face and it’s all because of my buddy Cambell and his positive attitude in a time of suffering. I want to win. Don’t get me wrong, but Cambell was such a great reminder of God’s grace and that’s what’s truly important.I say this for two reasons. One, I want everyone to look at their situation and know that they are blessed to be alive. God has given us more than we need and more than we deserve. Everything he has given us is meant to be used to glorify Him. It’s not given to us so that if we fail or don’t have the day we would of liked, then our whole worth or purpose seems lost. Every circumstance we are put in, God has placed us in to do ministry. Cambell was diagnosed with cancer, but it was in God’s plan and is now his ministry. He is just a child and may not know everything going on, but he is such a light to us all. I pray that God will use him in amazing ways to share His love and to remind us of how blessed we are to breath because truly we all deserve immediate death.Second, I want everyone who reads this to continue to pray for Cambell. Pray for his healing and pray for God to comfort him and to rind him that He is right beside him. Pray that Cambell will be made well and that he will get to grow up and do whatever it is he loves without any pain. Lastly, pray for God to do a work in his life. That he will grow to fear The Lord and that he will use his present circumstances as an opportunity to lead others to Christ."
Pretty great stuff. This team may not be winning like we all want them to (the season still isn’t over) but the character of the program is still there, and I’m very proud of them. This kind of thing is much more important than wins on the field.