T-Shirts to Benefit Huddle Up for Cancer
"This past Sunday, Ms Peggy Prescott passed away. She was a strong woman who was taken when the Lord felt it was time for her to come home. She has three wonderful son’s who raised her boy’s right. Before she passed, her and her family began setting up a foundation for those with terminal illness’s. Part of the goal of the foundation is to provide medical care for the family member so that they may attend special events such as weddings, graduations, and events of this nature. This can be very draining on the pocket book of a family, and this foundation, Huddle Up For Cancer, hopes to help with theses bills. That being said, Christine and I have decided that $6 of ever every Dak Dynasty shirt sold will go to Huddle Up For Cancer. I am proud to say that I run the FB page for this and am blessed to be a part of something wonderful. Please let your friends know about it.Now onto the description…..Now in both WHITE or MAROON shirts.Well here we go. I am excited about this. If you are a Mississippi State fan, it’s time to get your Dak Dynasty shirt. These high quality, pre shrunk T shirts will be white so they can be worn during WHITE OUT events. On the front is the design below, on the back will be the football schedule for this year along with #DAKATTACK at the bottom.We have sizes xs-2x which will be $18 a piece. If you need a larger size, we go all the way up to 10X with each larger size being $1 extra per X. Shipping is $4 for the first shirt $3 for the second then $2 for shirts after that. To order, please send an email to Monkatees@yahoo. com and give the following information:Size(s) neededNameAddressWe accept credit, debit and paypal. If you have any questions, please let us know. I am also proud to say that the Prescott seal of approval has been given to this shirt as well as Mississippi State University."