Matty Stevens – MSU beat writer for the Columbus Dispatch.
When I heard that he identified himself as a member of the Clarion-Ledger at a press conference in Omaha I was shocked. That couldn’t be true, right? So I decided to ask him, and here was his response:
"Apparently I did do that in Omaha and while this is hard to explain and understandably hard to believe I didn’t mean to do that and didn’t realize it after I’d done it. It became actually hilarious in Omaha when some MSU student workers informed me the next day that I had done so because even a day later I wasn’t aware that’s what I’d said. However, hey – if you can’t laugh at the dumb things you do, is life really worth living? That day became a big laugh and my expense and so I just tipped my hat and said “Yup, I’m wearing this one for having a brain dead moment. It happens. It’ll happen again in some form again. I suppose you could break that down as a press conference brain malfunction on my part."
I mentioned in the e-mail that his arrogant attitude may be what contributes to him not being liked among MSU fans. He didn’t care. And when I brought up his time at Bulldog Sports Radio he offered this:
"I enjoyed doing my radio show on BSR because it allowed me to voice the good, bad and everything in between about what was going on in the beat. Not that you asked but the reason the show no longer exists is a matter of an inability to find a co-host I felt 100% comfortable doing the show with and my feelings the station became a cheerleading outlet for Mississippi State instead of being impartial as a news gathering organization."
Then I see this tweet today..
An old friend returns to BSR Monday. @matthewcstevens and @JoelTColeman host The Full Court Press three times a week!
— Bulldog Sports Radio (@BulldogsRadio) October 11, 2013
This is announced the day before Will Redmond is to be re-instated? Oh, the irony.
Bulldog Sports Radio is now spearheaded by Brian Hadad, an unabashed fan of Mississippi State. Joel Coleman is a fan as well. Just thought I’d mention it. Stevens’ arrogance and lack of respect for MSU are really irritating to me, and the fact that the Columbus Dispatch still employs him to cover State is baffling beyond belief.
P.S. – if you do happen to listen to that show on BSR, be sure to have some tissues with you; your ears will bleed so profusely you’ll get it all over your clothes if you don’t.