You’ve got all your tailgate supplies taken care of, but have you given any thought to the music you will be listening to while you’re in the Junction?
I am a firm believer that music, the right music, can help set a tone at your tailgate and it should be given some forethought.
I am a subscriber to Spotify Premium. Spotify allows you to create playlists, organize music while having access to a huge library of albums. I prefer this to downloading individual songs, because you basically pay one monthly fee and you’ve got almost every song ever recorded. Almost.
Each home game weekend in 2016, I will be sharing for you my tailgate music selections for the weekend. I have what I consider to be an eclectic taste for music. I like all kinds of music, but I have a heavy preference for classic rock of the late 70s and 80s. Not so ironically, that happens to coincide with my high school, college and young adult years.
But I like 90s too, some country, jazz and some current stuff. So I try to keep it mixed up. I will also be posting Spotify playlist for you to check out if you wish. I would love to have your suggestions for future playlists, and welcome your criticisms as well.
For the South Alabama game, we want to stick with kind of a summer theme, since this weekend is generally considered the last weekend of the summer. Here we go:
Victim of Love – Eagles
All Summer Long – Kid Rock
Same Ole Song and Dance – Aerosmith
Right Now – Van Halen
And We Danced – Hooters
Scar Tissue – Red Hot Chili Peppers
All Jacked Up – Gretchen Wilson
Good Thing – Fine Young Cannibals
Are You Gonna Be My Girl – Jet
December – Collective Soul
Crazy – Patsy Cline
Walking in Memphis – Marc Cohn
Gimme Shelter – Rolling Stones
Hotel California – Eagles
Keep Your Hands to Yourself – Georgia Satellites
There’s more. Check out the complete playlist here.
Have fun Saturday and #HailState.