Fun and Unique Info on MSU vs. Auburn

There is no other program Mississippi State has played each of the last five years where the games have been so competitive than Auburn. I’d venture to say the same for the Tigers.

  • 2010: Auburn wins 17-14
  • 2011: Auburn wins 41-34
  • 2012: MSU wins 28-10
  • 2013: Auburn wins 24-20
  • 2014: MSU wins 38-23

The 2012 game was really the only blowout, but even then Auburn once held a 3rd quarter lead. Every other game came right down to the end – in the case of all three Auburn victories it came down the the closing seconds. This series has been as close as you can get – no other program MSU has played over the last handful of years has featured so many close ball games.

So this is an exciting week that should lead to an exciting game on Saturday night. If you’re going to the game, here’s some info you might find useful:

MSU alumni pre-game tailgate will be on Woodland Drive between Donahue and College Street.

I’ve been to Auburn a million times so here are my top 5 places to eat:

  1. The Hound
  2. Amsterdam Cafe
  3. Mama Goldberg’s Deli
  4. Hamilton’s 
  5. Niffer’s

If you just want something you’re familiar with, try Mike and Ed’s BBQ, Mugshots or Guthrie’s.

Dana Carvey and Kevin Nealon on Saturday Night Live in 1986 talk about watching Auburn vs. Mississippi State on tape delay in a skit.

I answered some questions for

Video of Gus Malzahn’s press conference this week.

Auburn’s new scoreboard featured a death stare by the eagle when the Jacksonville State kicker was attempting a field goal.

Mississippi State defeated #11 Auburn 20-0 in 1997 to kick-start a four game winning streak against the Tigers; here’s some video…

Let’s remember last year’s victory over Auburn for a minute. I know the team needs to focus on 2015 but as fans we can always enjoy the past. 2014’s bragging rights will only last for two more days before it must be renewed, so enjoy it for a minute if you will.

More from Mississippi State Football

Last year’s spectacle that was MSU vs. Auburn is something I’ll never forget. It was State’s first ever appearance in the AP top 5, and right off the bat they get their first ever top 5 match-up (would get a second one vs. Bama a month later). College Gameday was in town and so was CBS. Starkville was absolutely electric.

It was the week following “Mississippi football’s greatest day” when Ole Miss beat Alabama and MSU beat Texas A&M, and each school hosting a ESPN road crew. But the spotlight stayed on MSU while OM went to College Station to play A&M. And the Bulldogs delivered.

Davis Wade was spectacular. The fans were louder than ever and completely obeyed the cowbell compromise. State won and vaulted to #1. The week of the game and the week after was probably the most fun I’ve had as a Bulldog fan.

It’s time for revenge on the Plains. In case the details aren’t fresh in your mind, let me remind you:


It doesn’t get any worse than 2011 on the Plains. I was there first hand to get the biggest gut punch I’ve ever felt attending a game. MSU was a touchdown favorite over the Tigers but ended up losing by a touchdown, 41-34.

State fell behind 14-0 only to take a 21-14 lead and then lose it again.

  1. headsets quit working
  2. the horrible 4th and 1 call
  3. the confusing pylon call
  4. Chris Relf stopped inches short 

So many things just eat at you in that game. If Relf pitches the ball to Ballard he walks into the endzone. With :10 left and no timeouts why didn’t we throw it on the first play so we’d have at least one more shot?

The eagle flew into the skybox windows before the game and it looked like it would be our day. But Jordan Hare was deafeningly loud, our kickoffs were terrible all day allowing Tre Mason to get near midfield almost every time, and despite a gutsy effort from Chris Relf nothing really worked out that day, and the promising season turned into a mediocre one. This game still hurts.


Mississippi State should have beat Auburn that year. The offense failed to capitalize on three turnovers – two of which were at midfield, there was a missed field goal, and Nick Marshall easily marched down the field on the final drive against a prevent defense. The conservative play of the 4th quarter (on both sides of the ball) cost the Dawgs, and Auburn won 24-20.

The final touchdown was caught with :18 to play. Again there was heartbreak on the plains. To make matters worse, Auburn continued on with a season full of fortunate breaks that led them to the SEC Championship and seconds away from a national championship. For a program like MSU, who rarely catches a break, it was tough to watch a team get all the breaks.

This video speaks for itself…

Next: War Blogle answers our questions about Auburn