Laremy Tunsil’s Step Father Hires a Starkville-Based Attorney

The Mississippi sports summer really only has one story: Laremy Tunsil (see timeline of events here). There was an altercation, the NCAA is investigating involvement with agents, etc.

Tunsil’s step-father, Lindsey Miller, first appeared to face domestic violence charges without legal representation. He has since hired counsel: from Starkville. He pleaded not guilty on Tuesday morning in court.

That’s right – the Law Office of Matthew Wilson will represent Miller.

Wilson is a 1998 graduate of Mississippi State, as you might imagine. His email? He’s located right in the heart of down town Starkville, Mississippi.


Once again, another twist in the MSU / Ole Miss rivalry. This thing is so bitter that just now I put Ole Miss first in naming the rivalry, but had to go back and change it because I knew I’d receive comments on social media and e-mails saying there’s no way Ole Miss should be listed first.

Honestly though, while every Ole Miss fan will say Mississippi State fans and boosters are paying the bill for this legal service, or it’s being done at a discounted rate, I think this guy is probably doing it for the right reasons. Based on his blog he seems like a respectable guy with similar values to those in Mississippi and not some lawyer after every penny he can get….or loathes Ole Miss so much he wants to get on the front lines of mud slinging.

And while his offices are located in Starkville and he did graduate from Mississippi State, he does have a connection with the Ole Miss culture. Look at that bow tie.

Next: Laremy Tunsil Saga Timeline