Top 5 Mississippi State Recruiting Surprises

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Last week, I gave you the Top 5 Recruiting Busts who signed a National Letter of Intent with the Bulldogs. We were inspired by Quay Evans making himself more infamous by being arrested on Tuesday for an incident that occurred on July 4.

I don’t know how painful it was to read it for those who did, but it was like swallowing nails to write it. I had to search through a whole bunch of terrible football to compile that list.

So to make me feel better, I wanted to write something a little more positive. Today I bring you the Top 5 Recruiting Surprises. And there are a bunch to choose from.

Dan Mullen made a name for himself last season by taking a team full of players most other SEC coaches didn’t want and took them to the number 1 ranking for 5 straight weeks. Regardless of how the season ended, to go as far as the 2014 team did was impressive. Many of the other coaches in the SEC wouldn’t have touched Mississippi State’s roster with a ten foot pole, but Mullen not only succeeded with his group of players, he thrived with them.

With all of that said, it shouldn’t be any surprise this list will consist mainly of players from the Mullen era. There are a bunch of people who didn’t make the cut of top 5, simply because there were so many to choose from. The only criterion I had for putting them on my Top 5 is the player had to be a 3 star recruit or less. So here are the guys I chose for my Top 5 surprises, and feel free to tell me yours in the comments section.